Agricultural economics working paper series (Hohenheimer agrarökonomische Arbeitsberichte)
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Publication Animal welfare in non-anthropocentric cost-benefit analysis and social welfare functions: A critical review to guide practical application(2024-10) Dusel, Sara; Wieck, ChristineCost-benefit analysis and social welfare functions are two closely related methods to evaluate impacts of policies on humans (producers, consumers etc.) and animals. In cost-benefit analysis, the impacts on animals are currently either disclosed as intangible impacts or monetised from the human (anthropocentric) perspective through production costs, revenues and willingness to pay. Social welfare functions are more flexible to aggregate and trade-off impacts on animals, but they are not yet applied in practice. In the literature, advances have been made to monetise policy impacts from the animals’ (non-anthropocentric) perspective and to include animals in social welfare functions. Yet, policy analysts who seek to implement any of these approaches in practice face substantial challenges because the available studies differ considerably in the methodologies and underlying normative assumptions. We conduct a critical review of the scientific and grey literature with the aim to synthesise the available material, to facilitate an informed debate on conflicting normative assumptions, and to eventually guide the practical application of non-anthropocentric cost-benefit analysis and social welfare functions. The results of the critical review are presented in the form of a checklist that allows to better comprehend key steps of the methodologies. Step-by-step, the checklist gives an overview of the alternative options and normative assumptions in the literature, and points to any remaining research gaps. Beside the academic debate, this is relevant for practical policy analysts who need to make methodological choices for their policy questions at hand.Publication Navigating the indicator jungle: A roadmap to analyze common agricultural policy indicators(2024-09-01) Gorn, Anne-Kartrin; Barissoul, Ayoub; Wieck, ChristineThe CAP monitoring framework includes a wide range of policy indicators, covering output, results, context, and impact. In environmental policy sciences, the complexities of analysing policy instruments and indicators are well known and techniques like statistical pattern analysis and grouping indicators into "umbrella" or composite indicators are recommended to simplify analysis. These methods are less common in agricultural economics and political sciences. This working paper investigates methods for constructing umbrella indicators and presents a literature-based roadmap for their application to the CAP indicators. It demonstrates that these methods can be successfully applied not only in other scientific fields but also to CAP indicators.Publication Nachhaltigkeitsexzellenz in der Landwirtschaft: Mehr Sichtbarkeit für die versteckten Leuchttürme der Alltagspraxis(2024-09) Gebhardt, Beate; Hellstern, LauraIm Projekt NEAL wurde die Bedeutung von exzellenter Mikro-Nachhaltigkeit und die Rolle von Nachhaltigkeitsawards sowie weiterer unterstützender Instrumente einer nachhaltigen Transformation in der Landwirtschaft untersucht. Die Erkenntnisse des Projektes sollen landwirtschaftlichen Unternehmen, Verbänden sowie weiteren relevanten Akteuren der land¬wirtschaftlichen Wertschöpfungsketten eine Orientierung geben in den Fragen: • Welche Nachhaltigkeitsthemen benötigen in Zukunft ein größeres Augenmerk? • Wie können Landwirt*innen in ihrer Nachhaltigkeitstransformation gefördert werden? • Welche Rolle spielen Nachhaltigkeitsawards in der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation? Für das Forschungsprojekt NEAL wurden dazu (a) 310 Landwirt*innen und 59 landwirtschaftsnahe Verbände in einem bundesweiten Nachhaltigkeits-Crowd-Screening im Frühjahr 2022 online befragt und hierbei insgesamt 236 herausragende, awardwürdige Nachhaltigkeitsaktivitäten identifiziert, die in der Landwirtschaft bereits umgesetzt oder geplant werden. Mittels Awards-Matching und Clustering wurde (b) der webbasierte, interaktive CSR-Award Finder mit über 150 Wettbewerben erstellt und Ende 2022 online gestellt. Der CSR-Award Finder macht die Welt der Awards für Unternehmen übersichtlicher und einfacher zugänglich, insbesondere erleichtert dies den Zugang kleiner Unternehmen und landwirtschaftliche Betriebe. Zentrale Aussagen der Studie lauten: 1. Nachhaltigkeit ist für Landwirt*innen ein relevantes Thema und viele „versteckte“ nachhaltige Tätigkeiten werden auf den befragten Betrieben bereits umgesetzt. 2. Bio-Betriebe zeigen sich als Vorreiter von Nachhaltigkeitsexzellenz in der Landwirtschaft. 3. Bodennutzung, Biodiversität, regionale Wertschöpfung und Tierwohl sind wichtige Bereiche, in denen viele nachhaltigkeitsbezogene Maßnahmen von Landwirt*innen umgesetzt und als besonders hervorgehoben werden. 4. „Blinde Flecken“ in Nachhaltigkeitsansätzen korrespondieren mit Bewertungen der Landwirtschaft.. 5. Leuchttürme der Mikro-Ebene kommen auf der Makro-Ebene kaum an. 6. Eine heterogene und multifunktionale Landwirtschaft benötigt vielfältige, multiple Instrumente zur Förderung von Nachhaltigkeit auf Betriebsebene. 7. Nachhaltigkeitstransformation in der Landwirtschaft benötigt mehr gemeinsame An-strengungen. 8. Nachhaltigkeitsexzellenz in der Landwirtschaft benötigt mehr Mut und Sichtbarkeit. Die Ergebnisse im Projekt NEAL unterstreichen: Ein Ansatz alleine ist nicht ausreichend. Aufgrund der Heterogenität der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebe gilt dies gerade auch für die Landwirtschaft. Sustainable Finance und Awards sind dabei zwei verschiedene Ansätze bzw. Instrumente, die beide als wichtig und unterstützend gelten, um die Nachhaltigkeitstransformation landwirtschaftlicher Systeme und Betriebe voranzubringen. Beiden Ansätzen wird bescheinigt, ein wichtiges Instrument unter vielen zu sein, aber singulär einen eher geringen Hebel zu haben, da nicht alle landwirtschaftlichen Betriebe damit eingebunden werden können oder sich dadurch angesprochen fühlen. Die Ergebnisse im Projekt NEAL zeigen außerdem, Awards sind in die Toolbox der bekannten Instrumente und Anreize zur Stärkung der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation einzubinden. Sie stehen damit neben ökonomischen Anreizen im Markt oder regulativen Anreize, die vom Staat gesetzt werden. Awards setzen am Positiven und an der Sichtbarmachung des Vorbildhaften und Innovativen in der Landwirtschaft an. Sie können damit das verborgene Besondere, die nachhaltigen Aktivitäten und die versteckten Leuchttürme in der Landwirtschaft, nach außen tragen und zum Leuchten bringen, und damit die Nachhaltigkeits-Motivation der Landwirt*innen erheblich steigern.Publication Sensorische Beurteilung von Zweinutzungshühnern in der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung Ergebnisse einer Verkostung des Gerichts „Halbes Brathähnchen“ in drei Kantinen in Baden-Württemberg(2024-08-14) Gebhardt, BeateUm Verbraucher*innen einen verinnerlichenden Zugang zum Zweinutzungshuhn anzubieten und deren sensorischen Beurteilung in einer größeren Stichprobe zu erfassen, wurde in der vorliegenden Studie eine Verkostung von Zweinutzungshahnenfleisch in der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung in Baden-Württemberg im Projekt ZweiWert konzipiert. In drei Kantinen bzw. Mensen in Baden-Württemberg wurde Hühnerfleisch im Gericht „Halbes Brathähnchen“ von den Gästen sensorisch beurteilt. In zwei Testessen wurde einmal das „Standardhuhn“ der Kantine und ein anderes Mal ein Zweinutzungshuhn der Genetiken „Coffee“ und „Cream“ der ökologischen Tierzucht gGmbH (ÖTZ) zubereitet. In der Blind-Verkostung war den Gästen die Reihenfolge der Genetiken unbekannt. Nach Datenbereinigung standen 600 Fragebögen für die Analyse zur Verfügung. Die Ergebnisse zeigen: Das Zweinutzungshuhn ist den meisten Gästen bisher unbekannt. Es besteht ein hohes Interesse über das Zweinutzungshuhn in Kantinen mehr zu erfahren und dessen Fleisch auszuprobieren. Ferner besteht eine hohe Bereitschaft an der Studie teilzunehmen. Das Fleisch des Zweinutzungshuhns hält sensorisch mit dem Standardhuhn der Kantinen mit – insbesondere im Geschmack. Saftigkeit und Zartheit sind die kritischen sensorischen Attribute. Flügel und Schlegel sind die kritischen Teile. Viele Gäste sind bereit, etwas mehr für das Zweinutzungshuhn zu zahlen. Die Wiederwahlabsicht des getesteten Fleisches ist in beiden Testessen hoch, teils ist die Wiederwahlabsicht beim Zweinutzungshuhn etwas geringer, teils gleich hoch mit dem Standardhuhn. Das EIP-Projekt mit dem Titel „Aufbau von Wertschöpfungsketten für Zweinutzungshühner in Baden-Württemberg“ (ZweiWert) wird vom Ministerium für Ernährung, ländliche Räume und Verbraucherschutz Baden-Württemberg von 01/2022 bis 12/2024 gefördert. Projektpartner sind der Naturlandverband Baden-Württemberg, mehrere Fachgebiete der Universität Hohenheim und viele Partner aus der landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugung und Vermarktung.Publication SIEGER! Business-Awards als Instrument zur Steuerung der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation : Ansätze für Qualitätssicherung und Schärfung der strategischen Weiterentwicklung(2024-08-14) Gebhardt, Beate; Hellstern, LauraDas von der Deutschen Bundestiftung Umwelt (DBU) geförderte Forschungsprojekt „SIEGER“ ist ein wichtiger Baustein für Überlegungen und Analysen zum Nutzen und zur Qualitätssicherung von hochwertigen Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitswettbewerben. Es stellt die Möglichkeiten der konzeptionellen und organisatorischen Weiterentwicklung von Nachhaltigkeitswettbewerben dar und beschäftigt sich mit Erfolg und der Zukunftsfähigkeit solcher Awards. Untersucht wurden in diesem Zusammenhang die strategische Bedeutung sowie Herausforderungen und – erstmals in diesem Kontext – der Einfluss von Krisen auf die Rolle von Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeits-awards. Eine weitere Frage ist, ob und wie Awards die konkrete Nachhaltigkeitsperformance und -bewertung von Unternehmen bzw. einen Paradigmenwechsel oder eine Unternehmenstransformation unterstützen. Die Erkenntnisse des Projekts sollen Vergabeinstitutionen von Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitswettbewerben eine Orientierung geben in den Fragen: • Was macht hochwertige Wettbewerbe aus? • Wie können kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMUs) davon profitieren und Awards nutzen? • Können Awards zu einer gesamtgesellschaftlichen nachhaltigen Transformation beitragen? Für das Forschungsprojekt SIEGER wurden mittels Methoden-Mix deutschlandweit Vergabeinstitutionen von Awards und Unternehmen befragt. Gesammelt, systematisiert und abgeleitet werden Möglichkeiten resilienter, erfolgsversprechender Ansätze einer nachhaltigen Transformation der Vergabekonzepte; Möglichkeiten zur Stärkung von KMUs aus Sicht von Vergabeinstitutionen (Awardgebende), von Unternehmen (Awardnehmende) und von weiteren Experten sowie strategische Empfehlungen für zukunftsfähige Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitswettbewerbe. Die Projektbearbeitung übernahm der AK BEST (Business Excellence and Sustainability Transformation), eine Initiative angegliedert an die Universität Hohenheim, mit Schwerpunkt in der Award-Forschung. Zentrale Aussagen der Studie lauten: 1. Auf den Ausbau oder eine Weiterentwicklung der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation können hochwertige Nachhaltigkeitsawards eine positive Auswirkung haben – auch wenn die (Unternehmens-)Welt von Krisen und/oder Unsicherheiten beeinflusst ist. 2. Die Stärken und Chancen von Awards werden höher bewertet als die Schwächen und Risiken. 3. Insbesondere der Imagegewinn, Sympathiegewinn bei Kund*innen und die Motivation bei Mitarbeiter*innen werden von Unternehmen als positive Effekte genannt. 4. Für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMUs) sind vor allem Finanzier-barkeit und Zeitaufwand eine Hürde für die Teilnahme, für Großunternehmen ist es die Vielzahl an Awards und deren Glaubwürdigkeit. 5. (Nachhaltigkeits-)Awards spielen auch in der Zukunft eine Rolle für Unternehmen, wenn die Vergabeinstitutionen fünf wesentliche Merkmale sicherstellen: Qualität, Glaubwürdigkeit, Transparenz, Zugänglichkeit und Wirkung. 6. Für zukünftige oder Zukunftsawards erwarten Unternehmen Kommunikations-fähigkeit (für sich) und Kommunikation (der Vergabeinstitution), um externe sowie interne Stakeholder in das Handeln und ggfs. eine Transformation zu integrieren. 7. Zentral ist dafür, dass auch die Vergabeinstitutionen in der Lage sind, ihre Awards situativ anzupassen und ggfs. eine Selbstveränderung zu schaffen (Resilienz). In diesem Abschlussbericht des Forschungsprojekts SIEGER werden diese Ergebnisse detailliert beschrieben, Ziel und Methodik der Forschungsstudie benannt und ein Weg in die Zukunft für (Nachhaltigkeits-)Awards aufgezeigt.Publication Die Kraft von Awards : Umfrage unter Unternehmen und Vergabeinstitutionen in Deutschland 2023(2023) Gebhardt, Beate; Hellstern, LauraFrom an academic perspective, research on the effects of sustainability awards and their potential to contribute to sustainability transformation represents a niche. Against the backdrop of an increasing number of awards targeting companies and multiple crises "disrupting" companies in different ways and new EU regulations, such as on evidence-based corporate communication on environmental aspects, the question of the power of awards needs to be re-examined and answers are more important than ever. In a double study within the framework of the SIEGER project funded by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU), awarding institutions and companies throughout Germany were surveyed online in spring 2023. The objective was to discover first the effects of sustainability awards from the point of view of award-giving institutions, the donators, and companies, the award-recipients, and second the contribution they can make to a sustainability transformation. Sustainability awards are mostly attributed positive to very positive effects, both on the micro level (employee motivation), but especially on the meso level (image gain; awareness), less so on the macro level (ecological aspects; social aspects). The evaluation of the power of awards, their direction of impact and strength, in this study is perceived and is shaped by the different framing of the respondents. Award donors and winners overestimate the perception of awards by third parties as well as the external learning effects (imitation effects). The thematic focus on sustainability leads awarding institutions to overstate the intended ecological effects of an award. The majority of respondents believe that awards can contribute to sustainability transformation. Compared to other awards, sustainability awards are seen as having more power and making a more positive contribution to sustainability transformation. The analysis also shows that awards are a mirror of current political and social demands and developments. Beyond the ecological claim "sustainability award", awards integrate socio-ecological aspects in their requirements for the entrepreneurial participants of the competition. The further development of sustainability awards can therefore be achieved through internal development on the part of the awarding institutions and supported by external measures.Publication Zweinutzungshuhn – wie schmeckt das? Sensorische Beurteilung von Hühnerfleisch und Eiern von vier Zweinutzungshuhn-Genetiken(2023) Gebhardt, Beate; Maute, Jutta; Kiefer, LukasResearch into the sensory properties of meat and eggs from dual-purpose chickens has so far been a niche from a scientific point of view. In cooperation with the EIP-Agri project "ZweiWert", students at the DHBW Heilbronn therefore tasted, analysed and evaluated several dual-purpose chicken genetics in the integration seminar "Dual-purpose chickens: How to communicate the added value" in summer 2023. The genetics “Coffee" from the Ökologische Tierzucht (ÖTZ), "Sundheimer" from the Öko2Huhn project, "RegioHuhn" and "Lohmann Dual" as well as a control group from a classic laying or fattening line were assessed. The aim was to find out how different dual-purpose chickens taste and whether there are sensory differences or special features in meat and eggs Sensory attributes, including appearance, taste and smell, were recorded using a multi-methods assessment sheet. In short, the results of this explorative study show that dual-purpose chickens taste better. However, according to the testers judgement, there are differences not only between the different genetics, but also between the individual parts - breast, drumstick, wings or broth. The sensory profiles of the four dual-purpose chickens tested are varied and do not allow a clear sensory "ranking". The meat from Lohmann Dual apparently corresponds best to consumer preferences, while their eggs (cooked) are the least appealing. Overall, however, there is a consistent sensory superiority of the dual-purpose chickens over the specialised fattening or laying breed. These results - should they be confirmed in further studies - could contribute to increasing consumer acceptance of dual-purpose chickens and addressed in market communication to their further spread. The EIP project titled "Building Value Chains for Dual-Purpose Chickens in Baden-Württemberg" (ZweiWert) is funded by the Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection of Baden-Württemberg from 01/2022 to 12/2024. Project partners include the Naturland Association of Baden-Württemberg, several departments of the University of Hohenheim, and many partners from agricultural production and marketing.Publication Status-Quo und Perspektiven von Zweinutzungshühnern in Baden-Württemberg : Ergebnisse eines World-Cafés im Rahmen des 1. Dialogforums des Projektes „ZweiWert“ am 2.3.2023.(2023) Bermejo, Gabriela; Imort-Just, Annik; Gebhardt, Beate; Hess, Sebastian; Kiefer, Lukas; Zikeli, SabineThe motivation behind the growing interest in dual-purpose chicken is diverse. Among other things, it is driven by the prohibition of killing male chicks from laying lines, by the desire to improve animal welfare in general, and by the preservation of genetic biodiversity and a more sustainable poultry production system. The project "ZweiWert" aims to create a regional network of actors in order to build up a value chain for dual-purpose chickens in Baden-Württemberg. Following a status quo and potential analysis of the agricultural production of dual-purpose chicken, a network will be established along the entire value chain, so that a sustainable production as well as a regular supply of the resulting products can be ensured. In order to promote the exchange between actors and to be able to develop policy options and recommendations, dialogue forums will be organized during the course of the project. The first forum took place in March 2023 and brought together representatives from different sectors. After various expert contributions, participants were able to exchange views on different areas of the value chain in the format of a World Café. In particular, the topics of networking and economic efficiency, cooperation, aspects of the legal/political framework and the need for more transparency and communication were mentioned during these discussions.Publication Zweinutzungshuhn – was ist das? Umfrage unter Landwirt*innen und Geflügelhalter*innen in Deutschland 2022(2023) Gebhardt, Beate; Bermejo, Gabriela; Imort-Just, Annik; Kiefer, Lukas; Zikeli, Sabine; Hess, SebastianTo comply with the ban on chick culling that has been in effect since January 2022, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture proposes three alternatives, including the hatching of dual-purpose chickens. In addition to the breeding and economic challenges of establishing dual-purpose animals in the value chain, the inconsistent understanding of what a dual-purpose chicken actually is and how its characteristics can be successfully communicated to consumers are seen as challenges. The goal of this working report is to present what a dual-purpose chicken is and what understanding farmers have of it. The German nationwide online survey among farmers and poultry farmers regarding the understanding and future of dual-purpose chickens was conducted in autumn 2022 as part of the EIP-Agri project "ZweiWert." The EIP project titled "Building Value Chains for Dual-Purpose Chickens in Baden-Württemberg" (ZweiWert) is funded by the Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection of Baden-Württemberg from 01/2022 to 12/2024. Project partners include the Naturland Association of Baden-Württemberg, several departments of the University of Hohenheim, and many partners from agricultural production and marketing.Publication Status Quo und Potentiale des ökologischen Heil-, Kosmetik- und Gewürzpflanzenanbaus in Baden-Württemberg : Studienbericht & Supplement(2022) Gebhardt, BeateAt first glance, changing social demands, such as the desire for more biodiversity and a more sustainable use of agricultural land, offer new opportunities for the organic cultivation of medicinal, cosmetic and spice plants. The increased health awareness and interest of consumers in organic food, natural cosmetics and alternative healing methods such as phytotherapy, lead to expectations of new product developments and market growth, both in the production of raw materials and in their processing and access to new markets and value chains. However, it is difficult to assess to what extent such potentials can actually be used by farmers and firms in Baden-Württemberg. On the one hand, only few data and studies on the status quo of medicinal and aromatic plant cultivation in Baden-Württemberg have been published. On the other hand, it is unclear which constraints exist for the further development of the organic medicinal and aromatic plant sector. This is the background for a recent status review in this report, which was carried out by the Department of Agricultural Markets at the University of Hohenheim from June 2021 to February 2022 funded by the Ministry of Rural Areas and Consumer Protection (MLR) Baden-Württemberg. The cooperation partners are the Centre for Organic Agriculture, University of Hohenheim, and the Netzwerk Kräuter Baden-Württemberg e.V. (Herb Network Baden-Württemberg).Publication Cartographie du commerce agricole au sein de la CEDEAO : structure et flux des produits agricoles, obstacles au commerce, lacunes en matière de financement et options politiques. Un projet de recherche en coopération avec la GIZ pour le compte du BMZ(2021) Wieck, Christine; Kareem, Olayinka Idowu; Ejima, Joseph; Mahe, Rukayya; Alaba, Dare; Traoré, Sékou Amadou; Fynn, Mark KofiThis study reviews the structure and flow of formal and informal agri-food trade within ECOWAS and evaluate the trade barriers, financial and quality infrastructure gaps. A mixed-method approach – qualitative and quantitative methods – is adopted which comprises an extensive literature review, analysis of available statistical data on formal and informal trade and trade barriers, a field survey, expert interviews and workshops. The intra-ECOWAS agri-food trade is still at the low level with most of the traded agri-food commodities largely without value addition and characterised by inadequate diversification of the export base. A preponderance of informal agri-food trade along both the formal and informal trade corridors are detected. Livestock, oilseeds, cottonseed, nuts, cocoa beans, cereal, cassava, fisheries, fruits and vegetables were the most traded agri-food commodities, which were not given any concession of passage or facilitated across the borders despite the perishability of the commodities. Agri-food trade flows in the ECOWAS are largely hampered by the heterogeneous trade policy measures across the Member states. This is often a barrier to trade and tend to increase trade costs and commodities prices, thereby constraining the regional trade benefits to the people while also making the trading countries uncompetitive. Women agri-food traders were often exploited and harassed by the different borders’ officials. More so, the low intra-ECOWAS trade in agricultural and food products is due to the low production capacities, which among others are due to the inadequate finance, poor quality infrastructure – soft (trained inspectors, customs procedures digitalisation, certification, etc) and hard (metrology facilities, roads, ports’ facilities, testing and inspection laboratories, etc.). Agricultural trade finance has been identified as one of the key challenges inhibiting trade in agricultural commodities in this subregion. Strategic policy options to promote agri-food trade within ECOWAS are providedPublication Mapping agricultural trade within the ECOWAS : structure and flow of agricultural products, barriers to trade, financing gaps and policy options. A research project in cooperation with GIZ on behalf of BMZ(2021) Kareem, Olayinka Idowu; Wieck, Christine; Ejima, Joseph; Mahe, Rukayya; Alaba, Dare; Traoré, Sékou Amadou; Fynn, Mark KofiThis study reviews the structure and flow of formal and informal agri-food trade within ECOWAS and evaluate the trade barriers, financial and quality infrastructure gaps. A mixed-method approach – qualitative and quantitative methods – is adopted which comprises an extensive literature review, analysis of available statistical data on formal and informal trade and trade barriers, a field survey, expert interviews and workshops. The intra-ECOWAS agri-food trade is still at the low level with most of the traded agri-food commodities largely without value addition and characterised by inadequate diversification of the export base. A preponderance of informal agri-food trade along both the formal and informal trade corridors are detected. Livestock, oilseeds, cottonseed, nuts, cocoa beans, cereal, cassava, fisheries, fruits and vegetables were the most traded agri-food commodities, which were not given any concession of passage or facilitated across the borders despite the perishability of the commodities. Agri-food trade flows in the ECOWAS are largely hampered by the heterogeneous trade policy measures across the Member states. This is often a barrier to trade and tend to increase trade costs and commodities prices, thereby constraining the regional trade benefits to the people while also making the trading countries uncompetitive. Women agri-food traders were often exploited and harassed by the different borders’ officials. More so, the low intra-ECOWAS trade in agricultural and food products is due to the low production capacities, which among others are due to the inadequate finance, poor quality infrastructure – soft (trained inspectors, customs procedures digitalisation, certification, etc) and hard (metrology facilities, roads, ports’ facilities, testing and inspection laboratories, etc.). Agricultural trade finance has been identified as one of the key challenges inhibiting trade in agricultural commodities in this subregion. Strategic policy options to promote agri-food trade within ECOWAS are provided.Publication Quo vadis? Ansätze der Qualitätssicherung von Nachhaltigkeitswettbewerben für Unternehmen(2021) Gebhardt, BeateThis report summarises the findings of an expert workshop on "Approaches and possibilities for quality assurance of sustainability competitions", which was successfully held on 4 November 2021. The workshop was hosted by the BEST initiative at the University of Hohenheim, under the leadership of Dr Beate Gebhardt. In the workshop, together with stakeholders from practice and science, approaches for quality improvements and visualisation of high-quality standards in sustainability contests were identified and evaluated by the experts. Essential steps and research projects for the future were defined. The key results of the event are: 1.) the impact and power of sustainability competitions as potential drivers of sustainability transition is endangered (loss of significance); 2.) in order to sharpen their profile, high-quality sustainability competitions should become more visible (visualisation); 3.) the BEST initiative at the University of Hohenheim is starting a dialogue to develop criteria for high-quality sustainability competitions (orientation).Publication A 2014 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Uzbekistan with a focus on the agricultural sector(2021) Wieck, Christine; Bozorov, Abdurashid; Feuerbacher, ArndtSocial accounting matrices (SAMs) are the core underlying data for economy-wide simulation models such as computable general equilibrium models. This paper reports the development of a SAM for Uzbekistan for the year 2014. The last SAM developed for Uzbekistan is based on the year 2001 (Müller, 2006) and Uzbekistan is listed among the top ten countries by GDP and population by the Global Trade and Analysis Project for which a recent input-output is missing. The SAM documented in this technical paper is characterized by a detailed representation of the agricultural sector. Generally, data availability in Uzbekistan is a challenge and the development process had to rely on myriad data sources. The final SAM values are estimated using an information-theoretic, cross-entropy approach. Using a Bayesian perspective, the degree of uncertainty of cell entries’ prior values reflected the availability and quality of data sources. In total, this SAM consists of 88 accounts. There are 31 commodity accounts and 31 accounts describe economic activities of which 17 activities are part of the agricultural sector. The factor accounts comprise five types of labor, capital, and main natural resources: land and water. There are three household accounts, one government, and five tax accounts. The authors hope that this SAM will allow researchers to investigate research questions that are of high priority for Uzbekistan’s future economic development, particularly those related to the future role of agriculture and water.Publication Plant-based foods for future. Results of consumer and professional expert interviews in five European countries - EIT-Food Project „The V-Place“(2020) Gebhardt, Beate; Hadwiger, KlausThis working paper documents the methodology of the qualitative studies and the resulting insights, as part one of the two-stage study of the Project „The V-Place - Enabling consumer choice in Vegan or Vegetarian food products“ in six European countries. The interviews with 70 consumers and professional experts in total has already been completed. Still in 2020, a quantitative consumer survey will be conducted in Germany, Denmark, France, Italy, Spain and Poland. The project is led by the Hohenheim Research Center for Bioeconomy, University of Hohenheim. The Department of Agricultural Markets at the University of Hohenheim is responsible for the qualitative studies. This project is funded by EIT Food, the Food Innovation Community of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). EIT is an EU institution under Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.Publication Nachhaltigkeitswettbewerbe in Deutschland 2020 : Übersicht und Methodik der Bestandsaufnahme(2020) Gebhardt, BeateThis working paper present a systematic collection of German sustainability competitions in 2020 to all interested readers. The collection of 141 sustainability competitions serves as a basis for further projects and studies by the Business Excellence and Sustainability Transformation Working Group (AK BEST), University of Hohenheim. The present collection updates a previous list from 2017.Publication Die Zufriedenheit der Landmaschinenhändler mit den Herstellern(2010) Becker, Tilman; Staus, AlexanderThis paper analyses satisfaction of agricultural machinery dealers with manufacturers of such. While several analyses have focused on carmakers for quite some time, this paper analyses the field of agricultural machinery for the first time. Between 2006 and 2008, dealers of agricultural machinery were queried about their overall satisfaction regarding distribution and marketing measures taken by the respective manufacturers. We categorised distribution and marketing measures into 38 subquestions, which we can summarise in 8 independent dimensions. We analysed the following tractor brands: Case IH, Claas, Deutz-Fahr, Fendt, John Deere, Massey Ferguson, and New Holland. In terms of overall satisfaction, Fendt achieved the best results followed by CLAAS, Deutz-Fahr, and John Deere. Massey Ferguson, New Holland, and Case IH obtained poor ratings. Between 2006 and 2008, Case IH and New Holland saw the greatest increase in overall satisfaction, thus moving up to the mid-range. Fendt and Claas shared the two top positions in all dimensions. Fendt shows optimal results in three areas: product programme, design of purchasing conditions, and relationship with manufacturer. Regarding the five remaining dimensions, Claas is spearheading in terms of satisfaction. We observe a similiar result for 2006. Fendt dominates with its product programme and shares the top position with Claas regarding relationship with manufacturers. Nonetheless, Fendt leads the way for overall satisfaction significantly. Considering the results of the remaining brands, we observe that good and poor ratings of the product programme and the design of purchasing conditions correlate with good and poor ratings of overall satisfaction. Of all dimensions, the correlation between overall satisfaction and product programme is highest with 0.73. The regression results confirm the relevance of the product programme for overall satisfaction. Three of the four items are significant: Product innovation, product quality and performance, and pricing. While the regression cannot confirm the relevance of designing purchasing conditions, two items within the dimension marketing and sales promotion have a significant impact. For tractors, there is a correlation between overall satisfaction and market share or changes in market share. Market shares and overall satisfaction increased for Fendt, Case IH and Claas between 2006 and 2008, while both figures fell for John Deere. The shares of Deutz-Fahr and Massey Ferguson remain relatively constant, while the overall satisfaction of dealers is slightly declining. New Holland faces fluctuations up and down between the years. Overall satisfaction grew. The development in overall satisfaction can serve as an indicator for future market share developments.Publication Obsoleszenz - auch ein Thema bei Lebensmitteln : Ergebnisse einer Expertenbefragung(2018) Gebhardt, Beate; Ding, Jana-Lisa; Feisthauer, PhilippObsolescence is a topic that also concerns food products. Popular science has speculated that to a more or less significant extent, actors involved in food value chains were responsible for preliminary spoilage of food products. This speculation is true. Research and food experts in the field confirmed this during an expert survey conducted in 2015. This paper presents this survey. Experts confirm the main issue of this analysis which sheds light on the relevance of the following idea: Is obsolescence a topic regarding food products or does it only concern (technical) consumer goods? Only the latter is currently under debate. In total, 19 researchers and practicians from food value chains were surveyed and the majority shares this view. However, not all of them agree. The topic polarises researchers in particular. Eventually, issues such as the waste of ressources and social disparity due to food waste are not very disputed, irrespective of the reasons they emerged, but rather those responsible for the issue as well as the term that is to be used when food products spoil or are disposed preliminarily: obsolescence, food waste, avoidance, or other. The ensuing question focuses on this by addressing the advantages or added value if food waste was introduced into the debate on obsolescence or, on the contrary, if food waste was perceived in light of the debate on obsolescence. In this regard, we must emphasise the following key topics: 1) Avoiding arbitrary authority of definition: Shifting a term and generating authority of definition regarding (planned) obsolescence in merely specific areas is arbitrary. There are no objective reasons to apply obsolescence solely to consumer goods or technical devices. Irrespective of the type of industry, product, or the product’s shelf life, the reasons and circumstances for which products spoil preliminarily are similar in many aspects. Problems and reasons of unnecessary use of resources arise along the value chain due to processes and practices on all markets of modern and innovative societies. 2) Corrective of consumer responsibility: Addressing manufacturers and retailers represents a corrective when handing over responsibility for food waste. Especially in the food sector, to much responsibility is falling on consumers. In general, the aims of mitigating waste of resources are disputed. It should not pursue the way of least resistance and address primarily consumers. The corrective of consumer responsibility enables a corrective for solution-oriented approaches with greater diversity along the whole food value chain. 3) Problem-centred revision of definitions: In light of food waste, the use of natural materials and the role of agriculture are often neglected, described as inevitable, or excluded by definition or regulation (e.g. harvesting losses). However, obsolescence and its clear distinction between natural and artificial (planned) obsolescence does not fundamentally alter the view on natural resources of food and their use. Moreover, the necessity to critically revise regulation (e.g. the German Waste Management and Product Recycling Act) becomes clear. 4) Learning from and with each other: Changes in perspective and exchange among experts in debates on obsolescence and food waste are the bedrock to learn about tools, solutions, as well as experiences and mistakes made by others (e.g. proposal for a shelf life indication for technical devices without referring to experience with best-before indications of food products). Topics for further research include interdependencies and conflicts of targets which concern innovation for sustainability, shortage of product life cycles as well as the establishment of standards as means for more transparency to check their contribution to obsolescence and identify approaches for more appreciation in the overall concept considering all market participants.Publication Beschreibung von 24 Nachhaltigkeitspreisen in Deutschland mit Relevanz für Unternehmen der Ernährungsbranche(2016) Gebhardt, BeateSustainability awards are an exclusive instrument of sustainability communication. They are significant limited - mainly quantitative. Not everyone can get such a price. Often only a few, mostly one, wins a contest.Interest in sustainability prices grows. This interest express companies, the potential winners,and show the donors of awards, the awarding institutions. In the last yearsmore and more sustainability competitions in Germanyare founded.Meanwhile, companies in the food industry can participatein 24 competitions with 82 categories (as of 2013). It is a dynamic market of sustainability awards - with lots of potential, but also some challenges. Independence and transparency of procurement become important elements of awards’ concepts. In this report, 24 sustainability competitions and their categories are featured in factsheets. This include the relevant competitions directlyaimed at companies in the food industry or be open for those.The approach to identify them isdescribed. In addition, the evaluation scheme of transparency of sustainability competitions is explained. Key results are described.Publication Entwicklung der Zufriedenheit der Landmaschinenhändler mit den Herstellern(2015) Becker, Tilman; Semenenko, KseniaBereits im April/Mai 2006 und im April/Mai 2008 wurde die Zufriedenheit der Landmaschinenhändler mit ihren Herstellern im Rahmen einer schriftlichen Befragung abgefragt. Eine Online-Befragung erfolgte dann im April/Mai 2015. Insgesamt nahmen 160 Händler an der Befragung teil. Wie 2006 und 2008 wurde auch 2015 die Bewertung der Händler zu fünf unterschiedlichen Kategorien abgefragt: - Traktoren - Mähdrescher - Futtererntetechnik - Bodenbearbeitung und Saat - Technik für Pflanzenschutz und Düngung. Abgefragt wurden z.B.: - Gesamtzufriedenheit mit jeweiligem Hauptlieferanten - Zufriedenheit mit einzelnen Marketingmaßnahmen im Detail Die Marketingmaßnahmen umfassen z.B. die Bereiche: - Produktprogramm - Zukunft der Lieferanten im Wettbewerb - Beziehung zu Lieferanten. Die Gesamtzufriedenheit setzt sich aus der Zufriedenheit in den einzelnen Bereichen zusammen. Um die Bedeutung einzelner Bereiche für die Gesamtzufriedenheit zu bewerten, wurde der Korrelationskoeffizient zwischen der Gesamtzufriedenheit und dem jeweiligen Bereich berechnet. Zusammenfassend kann man einen zumindest leichten Anstieg bei der Gesamtzufriedenheit feststellen. Lediglich in der Produktgruppe der Mähdrescher kam es zu einer insgesamt schlechteren Bewertung als 2006. Bezogen auf alle Beurteilungen konnte die Futtererntetechnik wie schon in den Vorjahren am besten abschneiden.
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